Are you becoming shaped by the potter of people?

Sometimes we must move to see and hear God in our lives. He is always with us, always present. However, it is what distracts us and our environment that we are in, that takes away from us the ability to be in His presence.
What environment have you put yourself in?
We see examples of a potter molding clay, and in the same way, God is molding us into who we are meant to be in his image. The Lord is the potter of the people. He takes the ones who have been marred and reshapes them into useful and valuable vessels. Only He can mold us into beautiful art.
Still, when we decide to refuse the goodness of His work, He can also take us down, to reform us once again, and remove all distracting or unappealing marks that affect the eyes and the heart.
As we work daily to be shaped and reformed, we must also look at what defects we have and allow ourselves to be reshaped for good. But not by the outside and worldly things that we tend to focus on more often than not. We must not be passive or mindless in these choices.
Looking towards what society wants, we know that society desires powerful, assertive, independent people who defy authority. But do not become distracted by these desires because this also brings stubbornness, self-importance, and resistance to change.
Our words and actions must challenge people’s social and moral behaviors. If they bring conflict maybe this is because what they are doing is not right.
We must start to listen carefully to what is being told to us, and more importantly, listen to what God is telling us.