Have you ever questioned why something happens or occurs in your life, and you think you don’t deserve it, or that you deserve something that someone else received, like the new car, house, job, gifts, award, or the girl? Have you become completely consumed by the people who are winning in life that you lose focus on what you need to do to keep pressing forward.
I can completely understand and empathize with this talk. I remember for years how I watched so many friends and people I know to get the newest cars and some of the most incredible materialistic things to flaunt that I realized that I was the one holding myself back. I was also impatient about what God was preparing my heart and mind for reflecting on what may happen when I lived in my teens and twenties.
As I see myself today and reflect on all the lessons learned, if my mindset remained the same, I wouldn’t be able to say that I’m debt-free or that my home is a mission field.
I must remember that not all of God’s prayers will be answered the way I desire. It may be painful and tough to go through; however, in the end, the love extended and the growth from these times will be for all to see.
I would suggest that more people than not ask why it seems like they never win. Why don’t I ever get the new car or clothes and then exclaim, it is not fair! Let me tell you that maybe there is something better or something bigger coming your way.
Everything you are going through will help prepare you for the next step in your life.