We are called to be servants to the ones we love and lead.
We are to be the servants of our faith. One who believes is entrusted with the mysteries of God.
I am a servant leader…
I guide strong-minded men and women who serve our country, and what I have learned is there are many leaders with different views, opinions, morals, values, and beliefs. They are followed by people who have different views, opinions, values, and beliefs, but this means we have diversity within our groups who are willing to put our differences aside and complete a mission or common goal together quicker.
All in all, we are serving those who follow us. This is a humble act, of which many believe that humbleness is a weakness.
However, I challenge people to think again.
Being humble is not a weakness but allows for the heart to be free of pride and opinion, and allows for wise decisions and open-mindedness to be the factor to execute results.
It has been revealed to us the gifts that people hold. And since we have been given the trust, it is required for us to be and remain faithful.
I do not care if people of this world judge me because only the Lord can judge what is on people’s hearts. Our conscience is the truth of our heart, and only I and my God know what is right in my heart. For God will bring light to the darkness, to reveal what is hidden in plain sight, and in this telling, the truth will be exposed.
“He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.” (1 Corinthians 4:5)
We are to confront them when they are doing what is considered “wrong”. Once we cross the line and judge others, we invariably consider ourselves better, but are we?
We are not to evaluate others either. People have free will and make their own choices and decisions. In the decisions people make, whether right or wrong, we are still not to judge them.
Am I better than the people I come across daily? Absolutely not!
How can I even make this determination?
What is better?
What makes me better?
It’s time to break the chains of thinking that in any way we are better than one another and focus on what matters, how can we serve one another to make us better as one!